Prineville night lights from space

Night Light of Prineville (Oregon) from space (United States) Src. Average luminocity for 10x10km area is 13.3818% and for 50x50km: 0.6712%.


Analysis of Prineville night lights 2016

Square area 10x10 km:

100 0%
90-99 1.52%
80-89 2.27%
70-79 2.12%
60-69 2.42%
50-59 3.94%
40-49 1.82%
30-39 1.67%
20-29 0.91%
10-19 3.18%
0-9 80.15%

Square area 50x50 km:

100 0%
90-99 0.06%
80-89 0.1%
70-79 0.1%
60-69 0.1%
50-59 0.16%
40-49 0.07%
30-39 0.07%
20-29 0.04%
10-19 0.35%
0-9 98.96%

Clear (daylight) street map image can be seen on

Map coordinates:

44° 48' 3.3" North, 121° 32' 15.4" West

44° 17' 59.5" North, 120° 50' 4.1" West

43° 47' 40.1" North, 120° 7' 52.9" West

Distances WxH: 111.9×111.9 km

Some cities around Prineville sort by population:
Bend 46.8 km =29.1 mi, 234°
Redmond 27.2 km =16.9 mi, 263°
The Dalles 146.5 km =91 mi, 349°
Sweet Home 151.6 km =94.2 mi, 274°
Stayton 165 km =102.5 mi, 289°
Hood River 165.4 km =102.8 mi, 340°
Madras 43.9 km =27.3 mi, 327°
Deschutes River Woods 54.1 km =33.6 mi, 230°

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Sources (retrieved 2019-11-25):
» Earth at Night: Flat Maps 2012, 2016