Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Caa Catí night lights from space

Night Light of Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Caa Catí (Corrientes) from space (Argentina) Src. Average luminocity for 10x10km area is 4.8393% and for 50x50km: 0.2687%.


Analysis of Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Caa Catí night lights 2016

Square area 10x10 km:

100 1.19%
90-99 0.4%
80-89 0.79%
70-79 0%
60-69 0%
50-59 0%
40-49 2.98%
30-39 0.99%
20-29 0.79%
10-19 0.79%
0-9 92.06%

Square area 50x50 km:

100 0.05%
90-99 0.02%
80-89 0.03%
70-79 0.06%
60-69 0.03%
50-59 0%
40-49 0.14%
30-39 0.04%
20-29 0.03%
10-19 0.03%
0-9 99.58%

Clear (daylight) street map image can be seen on

Map coordinates:

27° 7' 36.1" South, 58° 19' 25.9" West

27° 45' 2.6" South, 57° 37' 14.6" West

28° 22' 16.3" South, 56° 55' 3.4" West

Distances WxH: 138.4×138.4 km

Some cities around Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Caa Catí sort by population:
Saladas 113.4 km =70.5 mi, 240°
San Luis del Palmar 95.9 km =59.6 mi, 286°
Juan de Ayolas, PY 86.3 km =53.6 mi, 62°
Mburucuyá 68.1 km =42.3 mi, 241°
Santa Rosa 75.1 km =46.7 mi, 220°
Itatí 81.5 km =50.6 mi, 310°
San Miguel 27.4 km =17 mi, 173°
Paso de la Patria 105.5 km =65.6 mi, 297°

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Sources (retrieved 2019-11-25):
» Earth at Night: Flat Maps 2012, 2016