Villa de San Diego de Ubaté night lights from space

Night Light of Villa de San Diego de Ubaté (Cundinamarca) from space (Colombia) Src. Average luminocity for 10x10km area is 6.6467% and for 50x50km: 1.6597%.

2016 2012

Analysis of Villa de San Diego de Ubaté night lights 2016

Square area 10x10 km:

100 0.62%
90-99 1.03%
80-89 1.86%
70-79 0.62%
60-69 0%
50-59 0.83%
40-49 0.41%
30-39 2.69%
20-29 0.21%
10-19 1.65%
0-9 90.08%

Square area 50x50 km:

100 0.08%
90-99 0.09%
80-89 0.29%
70-79 0.21%
60-69 0.3%
50-59 0.3%
40-49 0.31%
30-39 0.57%
20-29 0.13%
10-19 0.31%
0-9 97.41%

Clear (daylight) street map image can be seen on

Map coordinates:

6° 0' 32.5" North, 74° 31' 8" West

5° 18' 33.6" North, 73° 48' 56.7" West

4° 36' 31.8" North, 73° 6' 45.5" West

Distances WxH: 155.7×155.7 km

Some cities around Villa de San Diego de Ubaté sort by population:
Zipaquirá 38.2 km =23.7 mi, 213°
Chiquinquirá 34.1 km =21.2 mi, 359°
La Mesa 12.1 km =7.5 mi, 246°
Pacho 42.9 km =26.7 mi, 242°
Muzo 40.9 km =25.4 mi, 307°
Chocontá 23.3 km =14.5 mi, 141°
Tocancipá 39.7 km =24.7 mi, 195°
Nemocón 27.7 km =17.2 mi, 194°

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Sources (retrieved 2019-11-25):
» Earth at Night: Flat Maps 2012, 2016