San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca night lights from space

Night Light of San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca (Catamarca) from space (Argentina) Src. Average luminocity for 10x10km area is 73.7758% and for 50x50km: 7.5056%.

2016 2012 2003 1995

Analysis of San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca night lights 2016

Square area 10x10 km:

100 24.8%
90-99 20.63%
80-89 5.56%
70-79 7.74%
60-69 11.51%
50-59 6.75%
40-49 6.94%
30-39 4.96%
20-29 10.32%
10-19 0.79%
0-9 0%

Square area 50x50 km:

100 1.17%
90-99 1.16%
80-89 0.86%
70-79 1.06%
60-69 1.21%
50-59 0.67%
40-49 0.94%
30-39 1.14%
20-29 2.31%
10-19 4.48%
0-9 85.01%

Clear (daylight) street map image can be seen on

Map coordinates:

27° 50' 58.8" South, 66° 29' 18.1" West

28° 28' 10.5" South, 65° 47' 6.9" West

29° 5' 9.1" South, 65° 4' 55.6" West

Distances WxH: 137.5×137.5 km

Some cities around San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca sort by population:
Andalgalá 111.6 km =69.3 mi, 332°
Arauco 99.2 km =61.6 mi, 262°
Huillapima 34.1 km =21.2 mi, 213°
La Cocha 80.3 km =49.9 mi, 14°
Icaño 67 km =41.6 mi, 138°
Los Altos 54.6 km =33.9 mi, 30°
Capayán 42.5 km =26.4 mi, 217°
Graneros 97.3 km =60.5 mi, 20°

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Sources (retrieved 2019-11-25):
» NASA, Earths city lights 1995
» NASA city lights 2003
» Earth at Night: Flat Maps 2012, 2016