Night Light of Río Turbio (Santa Cruz) from space (Argentina) Src. Average luminocity for 10x10km area is 5.4773% and for 50x50km: 0.7734%.
Square area 10x10 km:
Square area 50x50 km:
Clear (daylight) street map image can be seen on
Map coordinates:
51° 5' 47.1" South, 73° 2' 23.5" West
51° 32' 9.1" South, 72° 20' 12.2" West
51° 58' 16.1" South, 71° 38' 1" West
Some cities around Río Turbio sort by population:
• Punta Arenas, CL
204.4 km =127 mi, 151°
• Río Gallegos
215.7 km =134 mi, 92°
• Ushuaia
452 km =280.9 mi, 143°
• Río Grande
399.9 km =248.5 mi, 128°
• Puerto Natales, CL
24.5 km =15.2 mi, 208°
• El Calafate
133 km =82.6 mi, 1°
• Yacimiento Río Turbio
4.3 km =2.7 mi, 193°
• San Julián
409.9 km =254.7 mi, 52°
Sources (retrieved 2019-11-25):
» Earth at Night: Flat Maps 2012, 2016