Lembang night lights from space

Night Light of Lembang (West Java) from space (Indonesia) Src. Average luminocity for 10x10km area is 45.5519% and for 50x50km: 26.4917%.

2016 2012 2003 1995

Analysis of Lembang night lights 2016

Square area 10x10 km:

100 1.3%
90-99 1.95%
80-89 13.64%
70-79 13.42%
60-69 9.74%
50-59 7.79%
40-49 4.33%
30-39 6.49%
20-29 10.39%
10-19 24.24%
0-9 6.71%

Square area 50x50 km:

100 4.6%
90-99 4.12%
80-89 4.3%
70-79 3.7%
60-69 4.03%
50-59 3.71%
40-49 3.95%
30-39 3.86%
20-29 6.42%
10-19 8.46%
0-9 52.84%

Clear (daylight) street map image can be seen on geolist.org.

Map coordinates:

6° 6' 46.9" South, 106° 54' 51.8" East

6° 48' 42" South, 107° 37' 3" East

7° 30' 33.5" South, 108° 19' 14.3" East

Distances WxH: 155.3×155.3 km

Some cities around Lembang sort by population:
Bandung 12.3 km =7.6 mi, 185°
Cimahi 10.7 km =6.6 mi, 230°
Banjaran 26.2 km =16.3 mi, 187°
Soreang 26.9 km =16.7 mi, 203°
Padalarang 16.2 km =10.1 mi, 259°
Cileunyi 20.6 km =12.8 mi, 133°
Margahayukencana 18.5 km =11.5 mi, 197°
Pameungpeuk 23 km =14.3 mi, 183°

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Sources (retrieved 2019-11-25):
» NASA, Earths city lights 1995
» NASA city lights 2003
» Earth at Night: Flat Maps 2012, 2016